
Assessment and Options
Analysis of Climate and
Nature Financing Instruments
and Opportunities
Assessment and Options Analysis of Climate and Nature Financing Instruments and Opportunities
Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure Authorized
Elisson Wright, James Seward,
Fiona Stewart, Anderson Silva,
Federico Azpiroz Costa, Rachel Mok
development of financial products in
the capital markets is that climate and
nature-oriented measures, especially
GPGs, do not always provide a financial
return or generate positive cash flow, and
climate and biodiversity considerations
are not fully integrated into financial
models’ investors use to allocate capital.
In addition, despite significant advances
in the development of climate and
nature-related financial risk assessment
frameworks and regulations, the
awareness of these risks is still limited
among firms and there currently are
no established standards for market
participants to apply in this market
2. Leveraging finance
to meet national
commitments and
implement climate
and nature plans
There is significant momentum
globally to integrate climate and
nature commitments in national
development plans. Countries have
made significant progress in outlining
climate mitigation and adaptation
challenges and opportunities in their
Nationally Determined Contributions
(NDCs). NDCs, National Biodiversity
Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
and other national development and
sustainable development plans set the
vision and objectives for priority climate
and nature investment opportunities. In
addition, countries are also developing
national climate financing strategies
and partnership engagement eorts
to channel more resources towards
their commitments. The updated plans
often contain monitoring, review, and
verification (MRV) frameworks for
mitigation and adaptation to track
climate and nature finance flows. It is now
more common for sector-specific plans to
detail the specific near and medium-term
interventions and SDGs’ linkages.
1. Context
Despite increasing recognition of the
material impact of nature degradation,
the global financing gap for climate
and nature investments is significant
and growing. The Paulson Institute
estimated in 2020 that the biodiversity
financing gap at an average of US$711
billion per year. Government leaders and
private enterprises must accelerate and
scale financial resource mobilization
strategies to close this gap. However, at a
national level, many developing countries
have limited market access and lack the
fiscal space to mobilize financing at the
scale required to avoid the severe negative
impacts of biodiversity loss, nature
degradation, and reduced ecosystem
services. This can precipitate countries
into a vicious circle, whereby delayed
investment at scale exposes them to the
risk of ecosystems collapse. These systems
also provide essential climate benefits in
terms of carbon sinks and adaptation
buers against severe climate impacts
(e.g., floods, droughts, storms). These
natural assets underpin economic growth
of developing countries but are currently
undervalued and underinvested. Given
the diculty of estimating the timing,
progression, and extent of these impacts
and their global public good (GPG)
nature, other more immediate or visible
needs tend to be prioritized. However,
when nature-related risks materialize,
economic activity is likely to contract,
further reducing fiscal space, increasing
a country’s borrowing costs, and delaying
Even when the risks and benefits
of investing in climate and nature
are recognized, there is a lack of
bankable and financially profitable/
commercially viable projects in
many countries. Financial products
that directly finance nature action are
nascent and Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG) and impact investors
have limited options to channel capital
to directly support projects that deliver
nature conservation outcomes, especially
in lower and middle income countries.
An underlying reason for the limited

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